Have I mentioned I love a good deal? And even better are those deals that really feel like steals. And I’m not suggesting you ever in any way, shape, or form even attempt to break the Eighth Commandment! It's just kind of fun to almost feel like you are, you know what I mean? The rush of a good deal...whew..it's a total adrenaline rush for me. I know, sad huh?
So this past Christmas when I received an email inviting me to and was invited to participate in the Amazon Customer Vote deals, I thought, why not? Basically all I had to do was vote on different scenarios of three ‘rock-bottom bargains’. Then if I was picked I would get a chance to ‘possibly’ get one of the limited number of bargains. Huh? I know I was confused too, I just did what the emails told me. I was not really surprised when I got an email inviting me to participate in Deal #1. (I figured everybody got an ‘invitation’…ooh aren’t I special? Not.)
There was a countdown to the deal going live and I watched it like a hawk with my fingers hovering over the keyboard. But totally thinking I had no chance, especially with my stinking dial-up internet (which now thankfully is gone). But miracle of miracles I actually was able to purchase one of the only 500 bargains available. I wouldn’t believe there was only a limited # except I read comments afterwards where other suckers, I mean, unfortunate souls, got an invite but did NOT actually get to purchase the lovely bargain.
Have I whetted your appetite? Are you ready? My boys got a fabulous and very unexpected Christmas gift this year. They received a Playstation 3 with controller, DVD remote, Little Big Planet game, and the trilogy of Pirates of the Caribbean Blu-Ray. All for the bargain basement price of $199.99. I kid you not. This package retailed for somewhere in the neighborhood of $500. That’s right, it was at least a $300 savings!!!
So that’s my very best bargain of 2009. Well, I should say it’s my biggest ‘savings’ on a single item, even if that item is a totally unnecessary, mind-mushing video game system. My boys thought we totally rocked and isn’t that what giving to your kids is all about? Just kidding...well...sort of!
Selfish Confession Alert: I was still very disappointed I didn’t get picked for another deal. The KitchenAid Stand Mixer being sold for the disgustingly low price of $79.99. And, yes, my fabulous messes, I would have traded your Christmas joy for that fabulous appliance in a half a heartbeat…Sorry boys!
Wanna see what others are gushing about? Head on over to the Things I love Thursday link up at The Diaper Diaries!
5 Simple Ways to Menu Plan
5 years ago
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