Me: I love you Jilly!
Jill: I know.
Me: How do you know?
Jill: Because you keep telling me, over and over and over, and lots and lots and lots of times. And if I ever forget, I’ll ask you to remind me.
Gotta love a 5-year-old's perspective on things. I'll enjoy it while I've got it! Just like right now I'm enjoying the view of her sundress hung up in her backpack and showing her undies. I tried to get a pic but it didn't last long, you'll just have to imagine.
I'm thinking there's a very deep lesson to be learned from Jill and I's conversation but right now nothing is coming to me. I am still in 'rush' mode after looking at the fridge this morning, realizing Jared had a field trip that he needed a packed lunch for and didn't take, calling the school confirming he needed said lunch, loading up Jill, packing said lunch, putting resistant (and wet and dirty) puppies in cage, rushing 20 minutes to school, arriving just in the nick of time (children lined up, bus arriving). Only to find out from Jared he didn't need a lunch after all, he'd be back in plenty of time to eat in the cafeteria. But he'd love to have a water bottle for the ride. SIGH!
Either I'm mellowing in my old age, I'm really tired, or maybe the pain in my shoulders and thighs from Level 2 of the Shred has just dulled all other emotions because I'm actually not upset.
My only regret is I had to get out of my pjs before noon.
5 Simple Ways to Menu Plan
5 years ago
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